18th of April – “The Glory Cows”

Die glorreichen Drei. Drei Kühe, die einer Abba-Aufführung entstiegen zu sein scheinen, glorios, eigenwillig, fetzig, schrill, pink.

Die Arbeiten sind 60×60 cm und kosten Stück 900 €. Alle drei zusammen 2.400 €  (The April Days Price 600 € per piece and 1500 € for all 3 paintings)

The glorious Three. Three cows, they seem to be part of an ABBA show on stage, glorious, more than individual, groovy, flashy and pink.

These paintings are 60×60 cm and are available for 900 € each or all three 2.400 €. (The April Days Price 600 € per piece and 1500 € for all 3 paintings)