9th of April – “Queen Elli”

Queen Elli, die Queen in der Kuh, die Kuh als Queen in einem Duisburger Rapsfeld, frech, rotzig, ironisch und charmant. Und wieder fragt man sich, welche Geschichte sich hinter dieser Kuh verbergen mag ….

Acryl, Collage und Kreide auf Leinwand – 130×170 cm – 5.400 € (The April Days Price minus 20%)

Queen Elli, the Queen in the cow, the cow as Queen in a field of rape in Duisburg, cheeky, snottily, ironic and charming. And again the question appears, what is the story behind this very special character of a cow …..

Acrylic, collage and chalk on canvas – 130×170 cm – 5.400 € (The April Days Price minus 20%)